Code of Ethics
The FEDS Network Ltd accepts, adheres and adopts the following Code of Ethics
1. Standard of Care:
Staff members shall at all times adhere to this Code of Ethics, the Code of Privacy and the New Zealand Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010.
2. Integrity:
Staff members shall at all times conduct investigations with integrity and in accordance with the lawful instructions of their client.
1. Staff members will conduct due diligence to ensure that the identity of a client is verified and that the client has a lawful purpose to retain and instruct the investigator.
2. Staff members will ensure that all employees, subcontractors, and other persons paid to assist in an investigation adhere to this Code of Ethics and the Code of Privacy.
3. Confidentiality of Information:
Staff members shall maintain the confidentiality of all information received as part of an investigation.
1. Each Staff member will respect the privacy of clients and their right to confidentiality.
2. Each Staff member will conduct investigations in a manner consistent with the Code of Privacy.
3. Each Staff member will ensure adequate security for personal information collected in the course of an investigation, and will take all reasonable steps to protect against inadvertent or negligent disclosure.
4. No Staff member shall use information obtained in an investigation for personal gain.
4. Conduct of a Professional Practice:
1. Disclosure of Conflicts:
Staff members shall disclose to a client at the first opportunity any influence, interest or relationship pertaining to an investigative engagement which may impair any Staff member’s professional judgment or objectivity.
2. Terms of Engagement:
Staff members shall ensure that prior to accepting an engagement, the objectives of the client are fully understood and that the client has been informed of anticipated costs and the time required to complete an assignment.
3. Unqualified Opinions:
Staff members shall not provide opinions for which they are not professionally qualified to give.
4. Reports:
Staff members shall be forthcoming, truthful, and professional in disclosing investigative findings. Reports to clients shall be complete, objective and unbiased. Reports should not provide opinions without a factual foundation.